Software development is an important component of my research and I am involved in several open source projects.
hIPPYlib implements state-of-the-art scalable algorithms for PDE-based deterministic and Bayesian inverse problems. It builds on FEniCS (a parallel finite element element library) for the discretization of the PDE and on PETSc for scalable and efficient linear algebra operations and solvers. (UT Texas, UC Merced - lead developers: U. Villa, N. Petra)
ParELAG implements upscaling and algebraic multigrid techniques for the efficient solution of the algebraic linear system arising from mixed finite element discretization of saddle point problems (Original author: U. Villa, Developers: A. Barker, T. Benson, C. Lee, Project PI: P. Vassilevski).
MFEM is a lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for finite element methods. It relies on HYPRE for fast and scalable parallel linear solvers and preconditioners (LLNL - lead developers: T. Kolev and V. Dobrev).
LifeV is a parallel finite element library with a strong focus on computational fluid dynamics. Trilinos is the linear algebra back-end of LifeV. (Institutions: CMCS – EPFL, E(CM)2 – Emory, MOX – Polimi, REO, ESTIME– INRIA).
T-minres is an efficient and portable C++ implementation of the minres algorithm. It supports user-defined parallel and serial data structure for the description of vectors, linear operators, and preconditioners (developed during my Ph.D. at Emory University in collaboration with Prof. Saunders).