This page collects the Jupyter notebook used for the graduate course on Computational Methods for Imaging Science, taught by Dr. Villa at Washington University in the Spring 2020 semester.

hIPPYlib (Inverse Problems Python library)

The teaching material below uses hIPPYlib. hIPPYlib implements state-of-the-art scalable algorithms for PDE-based deterministic and Bayesian inverse problems. It builds on FEniCS (a parallel finite element element library) for the discretization of the partial differential equations and on PETSc for scalable and efficient linear algebra operations and solvers.

A few important logistics:

Teaching material


We would like to acknowledge the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which is supported by National Science Foundation grant ACI-1548562, for providing cloud computing resources (Jetstream) for this course through allocation TG-SEE190001.

hIPPYlib development is partially supported by National Science Foundation grants ACI-1550593 and ACI-1550547.

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